SinuPower 2 oz.



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Product Overview


SinuPower 2 oz.

SinuPower is a natural nasal wash powered by potent spice extracts. These powerful extracts are combined with pure sea salt in a spring water base, the ideal natural wash and inhalant to support healthy nasal membranes and sinuses. Research conducted at Mayo Clinic demonstrated that fungal infestation is the major cause of chronic sinusitis as well as allergic rhinitis. That’s why SinuPower is essential. Packed with the powers of emulsified oils of wild oregano, bay leaf, and sage, this is the most powerful sinus and nasal spray available. Works best when combined with Extra Strength OregaWild oil and/or Oregacillin capsules.

Ingredients: Spring water, wild oil of oregano, sea salt, clove bud oil, oil of sage, and oil of bay leaf

This statement has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug administration. 
The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.