Magnesium Oil USP 12 oz.

Health & Wisdom

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Product Overview

We have sprayer tops available for the 12 oz magnesium oil bottles here.

Recommendations for use are based on Dr. Shealy’s clinical trials the BEST way to increase Magnesium at the cellular level is as follows:

  • Intravenous – of course very few of us can or will opt for this one on a regular basis!
  • Foot soak – done 6 days a week for 3-4 weeks will significantly raise the Magnesium levels in the cells.
  • Bathtub soaking – done 6 days a week for 3-4 weeks will significantly raise the Magnesium levels in the cells. (The Magnesium Bath Crystals are the super concentrated form of the Magnesium Oil and are cheaper in the bath!)
  • Topical – done 6 days a week perpetually will raise the Magnesium levels in the cells.
  • Teeth & Gums – to remove tartar and plaque while tightening the gums add 5-6 drops of Magnesium Oil to a wet toothbrush; brush; spit no rinsing or toothpaste required.
  • Oral – according to Dr Shealy, this method takes 1-3 YEARS to raise the Magnesium levels in the cells.

The reality: The BEST method for YOU is what you WILL do!
There are potential dangers in taking oral magnesium (in any form) as it has laxative properties and STOPS THE MUSCLES IN THE COLON FROM WORKING which can result in long term dependence on laxatives! If you are taking oral Magnesium and begin using topical Magnesium, your bowels will likely become loose as the topical is so effective the oral is now too much.

If you have sensitive skin, are toxic, or very frail begin with small amounts and shorter soak times. Build up slowly.

Use EITHER the foot soak OR the tub soak – do NOT do both in the same day as that is excessive!
After the initial 3 to 4 week period of daily soaks, you will know if you need to increase the soaking frequency based on how you feel or if your symptoms start to return. Of course you may continue the daily foot or tub soak if you like on a daily basis!

NOTE: Our Magnesium Chloride products, when used according to the directions, will not impact the bowel. However, if you are taking an oral magnesium in any form to bowel tolerance (all are laxatives), you may experience loose stools once you begin using our topical magnesium. This may occur as the topical is absorbed very quickly making the oral amount excessive. Reducing or eliminating the oral dose is recommended. Should your body absorb more of our topical magnesium than is required at the time, it will be flushed through the kidneys. Those individuals on dialysis should never use any magnesium products.

This statement has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug administration.
The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.