Dercut Drops (50 mL)



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Product Overview

Dercut Drops (50 mL)

Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:
Centella asiatica.......................4X

Daphne mezerium....................12X
Fumaria officinalis.....................6X
Heliantthum Canadensis.............3X
Ledum palustre.........................6X
Ranunculus bulbosus.................4X
Smilax (sarsaparilla).................12X
Viola tricolor.............................4X

Suggested Use: Available as topical ointment or as drops for internal use. Topical ointment is used 2 to 4 times per day. Drops are used ¼ to ½ teaspoon per dose 2 or 3 times daily.

If symptoms persist past the first day, as they will tend to do with severe irritant exposure such as poison oak and poison ivy and certain insect stings, alternate Dercut with SyAllgen.

This statement has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug administration.
The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.