CoCoRinga 14 packets (Hot Chocolate) Moringa Box


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Product Overview

CocRinga “The Healthiest Cocoa in the World”

CocoRinga is a Multi-Nutrient, Multi-Vitamin, non-Dairy, SuperFood Hot Chocolate made with natural unprocessed Cacao. Loved by Adults and Kids, Drink Hot or Cold, Add to smoothies, shakes, cakes etc.

Moringa hot chocolate mixes best in hot water, but can also be enjoyed cold!  Simply empty contents of a packet into a cup and add hot water and stir until fully dissolved.  Add cold water or ice to desired temperature/concentration.

Serving size: 20g (one sachet)

10 servings per box

Nutrition Facts (average composition):

Trans Fat……………….……0.0g
Total Sugars……………….1.8g

Ingredients: Cacao, High Fiber Plant Creamer (coconut &tapioca), Oligosaccharide (from Chicory Root), Moringa.


Please consult the product packaging label for the most accurate product information.

This statement has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug administration.
The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease